Journey Through The Past
Man kan uden tvivl læse en masse tolkninger ind i teksten, men i bund og grund er den måske slet ikke så tvetydig. Teksten er nok blot en direkte hilsen til det canadiske publikum, og handler i al sin enkelthed om Young, der efter at have slået sig ned i Californien, nu vender hjem til Canada for en stund – en rejse til fortiden. Han sidder forud for touren på sin nyerhvervede Broken Arrow ranch i Californien, og håber på at publikum hjemme i Canada stadig kan huske ham. Nogle gange skal man bare synge præcis hvad man har på hjertet, uden at pakke det ind. Det er ikke første gang at Young gør det i en sangtekst.

I love Canada. Coming back is always a joy. There’s a certain lightness to Canada that is not like any other place. People are friendly. It’s a beautiful, natural country compared to other places on the planet. It’s in my blood. When I come to Canada, I feel like I’m home. I feel relaxed, and the longer I stay the more comfortable I get.
— Neil Young
When the winter rains come pourin’ down
On that new home of mine
Will you think of me and wonder if I’m fine?
Will your restless heart come back to mine
On a journey through the past?
Will I still be in your eyes and on your mind?
Now I’m going back to Canada
On a journey through the past
And I won’t be back ’til February comes
I will stay with you if you’ll stay with me
Said the fiddler to the drum
And we’ll keep good time on a journey through the past
When the winter rains come pourin’ down
On that new home of mine
Will I still be in your eyes and on your mind?
Will I still be in your eyes and on your mind?
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