Love In Mind

Neil udgav Love In Mind på livealbummet Time Fades Away i 1973, men indspilningen daterer sig tilbage til to år tidligere.

Nummeret er skrevet undervejs på hans solo tour i begyndelsen af 1971. Ved hans berømte koncert i Massey Hall i januar 1971 introducerer Neil sangen ved at fortælle at sangen er skrevet i Detroit. Eller Chicago. “Maybe it was Detroit and Chicago,” siger han.

Love In Mind er et fint eksempel på Youngs evne til at kombinere simple melodier, i dette tilfælde på klaveret, og med dybe, filosofiske tekster, der efterlader lytteren med stof til eftertanke omkring både personlige og universelle emner.

I used to call this girl from the road, that I'd never, that I was in love with, but I'd never really met. I used to talk to her on the phone all the time. And late at night I would talk to her on the phone because of the time difference. And I'd wake up the next morning feeling so good.

— Neil Young

Woke up this mornin’ with love in mind
It was rainin’ outside, but my love still shined
Kept me warm till my plane touched the sky

And I’ve seen love make a fool of a man

He tried to make a loser win
But I’ve got nothing to lose I can’t get back again

Man made rules been holdin’ back my love

Can’t hold it back no more
Churches long preach sex is wrong
Jesus, where is nature gone?
What am I doin’ here?
What am I doin’ here?
What am I doin’ here?

Woke up this mornin’ with love in mind

It was rainin’ outside but my love still shined
Kept me warm till my plane touched the sky